Wednesday, August 12, 2009

late late late

I'm still clearly not catching onto this whole writing consistently thing. Ah well.

Today was an interesting day, starting off bright and early at 6:15. It was one of those days when I woke up and found myself almost instantly wide awake. Of course, having a lot on my mind the last two days my head was instantly spinning with thoughts, ideas, reality. Ugh reality.

All I wanted was to curl into a ball beneath my dear friend Miss Yu's handmade quilt and disappear into the comfort of my sleepy dreams. Unfortunately that was not the case and I was up and out to enjoy the cool stillness of morning before Bloor St. began to bustle and the humidity kicked in. I contemplated walking home but soon decided that the subway would be faster. Wrong choice, faster maybe, but also an enclosed place to trap your thoughts. What a great feeling.

I arrived home only to feel a pang of lonliness in my new poorly furnished apartment. I'm missing appliances, my floor is still littered with boxes of things, and worst of all the ceiling and walls in the hallway are yellow. No lie, the ceiling is actually yellow. WHO in their right mind would do that? Honestly?! And to top it off the trim is purple!!! ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Anyways, there was no solace to be found in my dark and cluttered room so I hurried myself downstairs, snagged my dear friend next door and grabbed a quick breakfast at one of my favourite restaurants in the area - Saving Grace. It is the greatest, I highly recommend it. After that we meandered through Trinity Bellwoods park and East on Queen Street for some retail therapy. Item of the day: high heels. I bought a beautiful pair of Miss Sixty heels at half price!!! They make me feel like a buh-gillion bucks!

1 comment:

  1. There will always be quilts for you to curl up under, my dear!
